Thursday, July 23, 2009

1st Dentist Appt.

On the way there...

I asked him to show me is pretty teeth! ♥

Went super well!!! Garrett was such a champ...we had to wait to be called back & he played with tons of kids {& played nice!} & when the nurse came out and called his name he said "Yea!" he just cracks me up! During his cleaning he was just the Best little boy he kept his mouth wide open and did everything the nurse asked...The Doctor then came to check on him and he gave me the Best report any mother would be so proud to get...NO cavities and that his teeth were perfectly separated and he was just the Best behaved little thing! You can say he makes me the Happiest Mama alive!


Heather said...

What a sweetie--and he looks so big in that chair!!!

Jennifer said...

Those pictures are precious! Yay for perfect teeth! I just think he is the cutest thing!

jill said...

go g!!!!! and i'm jealous. my gut tells me i won't ever get the 'best behaved' report. and judging from the amount of gummy bears i fed her today, i'm probably not getting 'no cavities' either. way to go supermom!!!

Lauren said...

Awww, so sweet and sucha big boy. Loved the pics! :)