I have had a pretty good New Year's so far I have really been sticking to my diet with a couple mess ups but I'm proud of myself! And Adam God bless him is hanging in there with his (I love you!). And all Garrett's been doing is playing & being sweet! Well our weekend was a pretty non-productive one except we did go to uncle Eric's indoor soccer game where he won!!!! That was fun! But Garrett and Adam really haven't been feeling that great so we decided to have a "do nothing" weekend! Except of course I did still do some school and clean but that's everyday for me it's kinda a habit now! Garrett played, we went on a walk, daddy watched football, then we all cheered on Kentucky... but they still lost! So I guess I can say I had a relaxing weekend.
*Just a little note...my In-laws got Adam & I a devotional book to do together with the start of the new year and one devotion that has kinda stuck with me is 1 Corinthians 12:21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you" the title is I NEED YOU and basically it goes on the say how often do you actually say these three words to your spouse...and if you did what an affect it would have on your marriage! It really hit home with me, I guess I never really thought about telling Adam I need him....I Do very much so I'm going to start letting him know how much he is needed in my life! I thought maybe someone else could use that little bit of scripture today like I did!*
Thank you for sharing that! What a great message. I will make it a point to tell Bill that I need him!
That little boy is such a doll baby!
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