Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Me Try...

Here he's saying "What's That?"

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Garrett absolutely hates it when I'm on the computer anymore because he wants to sit in the chair and type. So usually I blog when it's his nap time! Today I got on to check my email and some other things and of course he cried and actually pulled himself up on my lap so I thought I'd give him a turn to blog for once. He was so cute every time he typed a letter or number he said "What's that" over & over!

If I had to translate what he was trying to say it would be" I LOVE Nana & Poppy, Grandpa & Nana Gregory, Granny & Grandpa Joe, Aunt Georgi & Uncle Eric, Gran & Pa, Aunt HaHa , Gracie & Zack, Aunt Terry-Terry & Gary, Monk Monk, Mommy & Daddy! { yea I'm sure Monk Monk came before us....Ha}

Congratulations son on your first post!



Lauren said...

TOO CUTE, haha!!! :)

Jill said...

Your little boy is SO cute!! He did very well on his first post! Thanks for adding to your blog! It is nice to meet you too!